
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two Niche Market Marvels

Marina's work.

Trish's work.

As a guy and as a modest art snob, I have been surprised by my response to the work of Marina Bychkova and Trish Kostian. I would not have expected myself to be drawn to figurative work at all, but both women bring an artist's sensibility to their creation of figures. It just happens that their unique passions also serve massive, well-connected niche markets.

Marina makes characters (articulated dolls) out of porcelaine. They are imbued with a unique history and integrity that Marina endows on each creation. Trish creates 3-D fables. Each woman is a master technicians. Trish is new to this work; Marina is running a rip-roaring international business already. It's only a matter of time before Trish is enjoying the same degree of success as Marina.

Niche marketing is efficient and much easier than general marketing. I do it as a writer. I focus on the visual art market to earn a living and I write creatively on the side. We all know the tension of the wallet/soul continuum.

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